৬ষ্ঠ শ্রেণির অ্যাসাইনমেন্ট ইংরেজি ৪র্থ সপ্তাহ ২০২২
Assignment Title: 4 historical places in my district
Overview: Mujibnagar is historically a very important place for the swearing in of the first Provisional Government of Bangladesh Which is located at Mojibnagar Upozilla in Meherpur District. A memorial has been erected at the site of the swearing-in to commemorate the swearing-in. This complex has a mural commemorating the events of the Liberation War.
Amjhupi Nilkuthi
Overview: Amjhupi Nilkuthi is located at Meherpur Sadar Upozilla in Meherpur District. Meherpur has a long history of indigo cultivation and indigo planters. John Phillips’s book on indigo cultivation, published in 1935, states that Louis Banno or Bonard, a Frenchman, started the first indigo cultivation in Bangladesh. Amjhupi Nilkuthi was established in 1815 or later.
Vatpara Kuthi
Overview: Vatpara Kuthi is located at Vatpara village in Meherpur district. It Destroyed in 1859, this indigo factory was built by brick, lime-shurki. Its roof is made of iron beams and brick tiles. The river Kajla flows by the side of this factory.
Meherpur Shaheed Memorial
Overview: A memorial has been constructed near the Meherpur Municipal Cemetery to commemorate the heroic freedom fighters and those who were brutally killed by Pakistani soldiers in 1971. Here every year on the day of great independence and victory they are remembered with respect by laying wreaths.